F-16c  Falcon Paper Airplane
Folding Instructions



Step 1
 Fold the paper in lengthwise and then unfold the paper. Fold the top corners inward to the center crease. Fold the tip down to the bottom edge.

Step 2
 Use a ruler and a pencil to draw folding lines as shown. Fold and unfold corners along the creased lines.


Step 3

Push the right top corner as shown in diagram. This folding is an inside reverse fold.

Step 4

Repeat the same folding for left side.



Step 5
Use a ruler and a pencil to draw folding line A as shown. Make a mountain fold the top corner.
Step 6
Use a ruler and a pencil to draw folding lines C and D as shown. Crease C and D.

Step 7
Fold up the top layer tip while making mountain folds along C and D.

Step 8
Bring out a triangle flap from the leftsidse.

Step 9
Fold the flap along center crease.


Step 10
Make two folds along line A and B. This part is cockpit of the fighter jet.


Step 11

Fold down the wing section. Fold the wing tip as shown. It is a mountain fold.

Step 12

Adjust to get the paper model as shown in figure. Bend up the tailing edge of the wings for better lift. The plane is ready to fly.

Copyright © 2018 by Kyong H. Lee.  All rights reserved.